Membership Descriptions
Patron Member
A patron member will be a strong advocate and supporter of the Society and will contribute a one-time, single payment, lifetime membership fee of $2500 or more. A Patron member will be a significant contributor to the field of neuroimmune pharmacology and will serve as a life-long supporter of the Society. Such a pre-existing membership is required for registering under ‘Patron’ category.
Charter Member
A charter member is a special designation and will be solicited by the executive committee at the beginning of the Society. Charter members will be asked to contribute a special, one-time, membership fee of from $150 to $500. Thereafter, these members will pay regular dues. Charter members will hold a doctoral degree and will have made significant scientific contributions in the field of neuroimmune pharmacology. The executive committee will be happy to assist Charter Members with their registration.
Regular Member
A regular member will normally hold a terminal degree in the individual's discipline, or a doctoral degree, and will have a record of scientific publications in the field of neuroimmune pharmacology. Exceptions will be made for those individuals without terminal degrees who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the field. Applications for regular membership will be made in writing to the secretary. All applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee that must approve each new member. A list of membership nominees will be sent to Council for final approval. Regular members will be able to hold office, submit papers to the regular scientific meeting, and will have full voting privileges. The dues for regular membership will be $125 per year.
Research Associate
This broader category is accessible to Junior Research faculty (if they do not act as PI) as well as Technical Staff. A recommendation to the Membership Committee by the PI is required. Research Associates do not have voting privileges. A discounted annual fee of $100 applies.
Trainee Member
A trainee member will be a pre- or post-doctoral trainee, medical student, or resident physician who is conducting active research in the field. A recommendation to the Membership Committee by the trainee mentor or supervisor is required. Trainee members have no voting privileges. The annual dues for a trainee will be less than a regular member.
Affiliate Member
An affiliate member will be an individual or corporation not wishing to be a member of the society, but wishing their names and addresses included in the membership list for reference purposes. Applications must be made in writing to the Secretary and reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee and Council. Affiliates may participate in the regular scientific meeting but cannot hold office in the Society and do not have voting privileges. The annual dues for an affiliate member are the same as the regular member.
Corporate Member
A corporate member will be a corporation or other organization wishing to support the mission and goals of the Society through the donation of unrestricted funds. The Council will set the various levels of support.