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Funding opportunity concepts presented to NIDA’s Council

At the September 2011 meeting of the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse (NACDA), program staff presented potential initiatives to NACDA members for their consideration.

These are:

  • Title: Role of glial cells in mediating the effects of HIV-1 infection and substance use disorders
  • Title: Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Services
  • Title: Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies for Adolescents (CJ-DATS-A)
  • Title: Synthesis and Early-Stage Evaluation of Medications to Treat Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
  • Title: Joint Ventures for Medications Development to Treat Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)

The purpose of this announcement is to make you aware of recent discussions between NIDA program staff and NACDA. It is important to note, however, that presentation of a concept to NIDA’s Advisory Council does not imply that the concept will become an Institute initiative. NIDA makes that decision based on programmatic priorities and the availability of funds. Concepts, however, do reveal interest in areas of research important to the scientific mission of NIDA.