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NeuroHIV in the ART Era, October 2017, Bethesda, MD

Division of AIDS Research at NIMH, in collaboration with program from NINDS, NIAID, NIDA, NIA, NICHD, and the NIH Office of AIDS Research are pleased to host the NeuroHIV in the ART Era meeting, on 10/23 and 10/24 at Bethesda Marriot (Pooks Hill), 5151 Pooks Hill Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814

Here is the link to register for the meeting:

Despite the effectiveness of Anti-retroviral therapy (ART), HIV-induced CNS dysfunction persists, but a significant heterogeneity in the prevalence and severity of these disturbances exists. Brain autopsy findings from HIV positive individuals on ART have revealed a paucity of the distinctive pathologic findings seen in the pre-ART era. At this critical juncture, it is important to evaluate and understand the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, the co-morbid conditions, and the chronic inflammatory state that has lead to a complicated heterogenous clinical presentation. The goal of the meeting will be to review the state of the science in the NeuroHIV field and to identify key gaps in the agenda for future research.


  • Current understanding of HIV-induced neuropathogenesis and the associated clinical presentation
  • Influence of co-morbidities on pathogenesis and diagnosis of HIV/CNS disease
  • Impact of HIV-induced Inflammation & neuroimmune mediators on the CNS
  • Impact of HIV CNS reservoirs on pathogenesis and cure efforts

Since the talks and panel discussions will be primarily focused on state of the science, to provide an opportunity for all attendees to present their recent and exciting data, a poster discussion session relating to the above 4 key session topics will be held on October 23rd 2017. If you wish to participate in the poster session, please upload the title and the abstract using the link below by Friday, September 15th 2017. All abstracts are subjected to an objective review and are evaluated on quality of the research, content, and relevance to the session topic. The selected entries will be notified by October 1st 2017 via email.

Meeting Chairs: Dr. Avindra Nath, NINDS & Dr. Serena Spudich, Yale University

Link for Registration: [Registration Deadline: Friday, September 15th 2017]

Link to submit the Abstract: Abstract Submission Link [Please register for the meeting prior to submitting the abstract]

For further enquiries please contact: Dr.Vasudev R Rao, Division of AIDS Research, NIMH [ ]