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2018 SNIP Awardees

Congratulations to the following members, who just received the 2018 Awards in recognition of their service and scientific contribution to the Society!

  • Dr. Yu “Woody” Lin (National Institute on Drug Abuse) - Distinguished Service Award
  • Dr. Madhavan Nair (Florida International University) - Herman Friedman Founders Award
  • Dr. Avindra Nath (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Wybran Award
  • Dr. Mahendra Kumar (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) - Life Time Achievement Award

The committee’s chair (Dr. Johnny He) and members (Drs. Jonathan Geiger, Brian Wigdahl, Sanjay Maggiwar, and Pamela Knapp) would also like to acknowledge Ms. Sandy Weiss of Temple University and Dr. Marisela Agudelo of Florida International University for their outstanding contributions to the 2018 joint SNIP/ISNV conference.